Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ok, so I received my new camera last Friday so my blogging is back (not that it actually every really started but you get my drift)!

Stella is already 2 months old. The time has flown by and there is so much that I want to say.

Rewind to May 15th 2010-
This was my due date (so I thought) and all day I was feeling very weird. Around midnight, I started having contractions every 10 minutes. I couldn't sleep so I took a shower. At this point my contractions were about 5 minutes apart so I started putting on my make-up.... seemed to make perfect sense to me. There were going to be pictures later... duh. Nate didnt think make-up was necessary but like every good man should, he kept his mouth shut and let his pregnant wife put on her eye liner in peace.

7:29am, Stella Rah Stal was born. Our perfect, healthy, precious Angel was here. My life will never, ever be the same.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Belly Button

I hate that my innie is now an outie. Big preggo outie belly buttons are not cute. Ugh.

So, I decided that surely there is a remedy to this problem. My remedy included clear packing tape. About 4 hours after the first application of tape, my belly button had busted through. Oh well.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

9 weeks and counting...

Ok, so I figured since our little Stella bug will be here very soon, I should start blogging on more of a regular basis (instead of.. you know.. like once every 6 months). I dont's like you actually enter parenthood when you blog about your children. You're only a sub-par parent if you update your facebook status with funny things about your kid or cute little pictures. It's when you actually take the time to blog about them that you enter into the next world of parenting (or it's just confirmation that you no longer have a life). I'm not sure which one it is.

I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant. The first 12 were hell. The second 12 were better and the last 7 were pretty darn good (that makes 31 right?). I haven't really turned into a hormonal crazy woman like I would have expected. Actually, I've been really really happy. Luckily I haven't had to deal with the usual pregnancy pains like acid reflux, braxton hicks contractions, pregnancy "mask" or sciatic nerve pain or any of those other awful things that happen to poor helpless pregnant ladies. I had an issue with being super super tired (what pregnant lady hasn't had that problem) but once they suggested I take iron supplements I have felt much better. Ooooh I do have to do this swinging leg thing to propel myself out of bed. That's kind of funny in the middle of the night. Speaking of the night... peeing every 2 hours is awesome.

I'm done rambling for now. I'll include pictures next time. promise.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now how do I do this?

Oooh how i love you Georgia font. Why is picking font so entertaining? What about those bloggers that stick with the Times New Roman font? B-O-R-I-N-G.

Ok, so my sister is a true all star blogger. Not only does she include pertinent info about her boys and husband and dog and cat (R.I.P Bo) but she's so funny. Like, really really funny. I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to compete with her blogging talents but I'll try. Hopefully I can keep your attention for the few short minutes that you read my blog. If not, feel free to meander over to hers.

I'm pretty sure that blog etiquette #1 has something to do about not blogging if you don't have anything to blog about. So, I'll end here.

Till next time...